Manifestation Miracle






Manifestation Miracle is written by Heather Mathews, and includes the popular “Destiny Tuning Technique” which is said to be the secret behind The Secret. There are many books on the Law of Attraction out there, yet the reason so many people fail to attract the life of their dreams, is because these books are incomplete. With the Destiny Tuning principle, you can learn the full version of the Law of Attraction, and succeed in manifesting whatever your heart desires.

Anything is possible when you resonate on the same frequency as the Universe, and the Destiny Tuning technique teaches us exactly how this can be done. With time and practice you can shift any negative underlying thought patterns towards a more beneficial set of beliefs. Manifestation Miracle is a step by step guide that teaches the key points of the Law of Attraction. With easy to follow instructions and techniques, you will learn exactly how to manifest your dreams and maintain them for life.

In the book you will learn to develop a mindset that embraces infinite possibilities and looks beyond the illusions of third dimensional limitations. You will also learn how to reconnect with your Higher Self, and listen to your inner guidance. When you are connected to your authentic self, you will automatically begin to make choices that align you with your spiritual destiny. When you are on your soul path you will see many signs that direct you towards your highest good and point to the direction of your dreams.

By staying true to yourself and sidestepping the distraction of other people’s doubts, opinions or demands, you can find your soul path and follow it to fulfill your destiny. It is often said that you should follow your heart, yet this can seem so far-fetched with the daily responsibilities of life. However with the Destiny Tuning technique, it is possible to attract a new reality in which your career aligns with your passions and the money is flowing in.

You will learn to develop a mindset of abundance, that gives you access to the limitless resources of the Universe. Additionally, you will be taught how to relax and unwind in the midst of challenging situations. The Universe responds to the frequency we give off, so it is important to master the art of relaxation in order to raise our vibrations. When you are in alignment with the Universe and the frequency of love, you can powerfully attract meaningful relationships as well as enhance your existing ones.

The Destiny Tuning technique teaches you how to raise your vibration so high, that you will attract your soul mate and also your soul family. When you meet your soul family, you will be blown away by the connection. When I met my soul mother, it was incredible how much we had in common. Not only did we have similar personalities and beliefs, but we looked alike too! Random strangers would constantly ask me if she was my mother. At least 50 people asked me if I was her daughter (we were working in the same business) and it was an amazing experience.

The Manifestation Miracle book can really help to turn your life around in so many ways. There is a section for anything anyone could want or need. One of my favorite sections was the section on how to develop more self-love, which is the key to all successful manifestation. Self-love is a powerfully magnetic force that earns you the respect and admiration of all that you come into contact with. It is the root of confidence and the fruit of the Destiny Tuning technique. You will really be amazed by the teachings of this book and how simple the methods are to achieve.
If you like the sound of Manifestation Miracle, you may want to consider purchasing the entire Manifestation Miracle package. In the package you will receive the Manifestation Miracle Manual mentioned above and the “I’m Worthy of Abundance” Success Workbook, which is a complete 21 day guide to transforming your consciousness. In addition to the two books, you will also get the audio version of Manifestation Miracle and video recaps of the chapters in the book.

As part of the package, you will also receive the Abundant Wealth Super Mindtrack which is a set of affirmations designed to ingrain mindsets of wealth and success into your subconscious. There is currently a special running whereby you will receive even more exclusive knowledge on the Law of Attraction in the form of the Love and Happiness Super Mindtrack, and the Unlimited Success Mindtrack Series. Lastly you will also be entitled to the Money Mindflood system.

Each of these Mindtracks are accompanied by a binaural beat that makes for great relaxation and enhances a trance-like state. When you enter the dream state you are more susceptible to subconscious influences such as affirmations, so this makes the Mindtracks ideal for rewiring any negative thought patterns. I listen to mine just before I go to bed, so that the thoughts are fresh in my mind when I fall asleep (which is when the subconscious is most active).

Most of the time I make a little ritual out of it by lighting some incense and lying down, but sometimes I listen to them in the bath for an extra-relaxing experience. The affirmations aren’t limited to your own home though, I also use them when I am working out or even at the grocery store. Affirmations work by consistent repetition so it’s important not to miss a day, it is so convenient to have audio affirmations that can be used on-the-go, especially if I have an evening event or commitment. I find the soundtracks so soothing and have really noticed my life changing in every way since I started the process.