
Positive Affirmation Tips

Positive Affirmation Tips

An affirmation is a positive statement that you make about yourself. It is all about praising yourself for your good qualities, personality traits, physical features and the good things you have done. In addition to affirming yourself for all that you already are, you can affirm yourself for who you would like to become as well. For example if you are trying to attract something new into your life, whether you want more friends or a fitter body, by affirming that you already have it you will align with the frequency of your desire and speed up the manifestation process.

When you repeatedly affirm yourself the thoughts sink into your subconscious mind, and you start to believe them. Seeing as the Law of Attraction is all about faith, the sooner you fully believe that you have what you want, the sooner you will actually have it. Affirmations are a super powerful tool for manifestation and can really help with getting you on the right track towards your dreams. On the other hand, if you are too busy thinking negative thoughts about yourself, your energy is not fully focused on your goals and as a result things don’t work out.

Because it is human nature to think critically about ourselves, it takes a bit of practice to learn to change the channel that your brain is tuned into. For this reason, mindfulness and Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) can be extremely useful tools in combination with affirmations. Mindfulness teaches us to become aware of our deepest thoughts and emotions, while CBT helps us to question the thoughts and reframe them. If you find that you have a negative and unrealistic perspective about certain areas of your life, you can learn to overcome your mental blocks by using a combination of mindfulness, CBT and affirmations.

Powerful Affirmations for Beginners

Generally, all affirmations start with the words “I am”, followed by a positive statement about yourself. This is interesting because many religions have stated that God (or the Universe) is the “I Am” and can be found in everything. Similarly, “I Am” is all about the present moment and takes no heed of who you were in the past. If you want to change as a person, the past becomes irrelevant and all that matters is who you are in the present moment. By consistently acting in alignment with your affirmations, you are able to create a completely new version of yourself and transcend your current reality. Every time you say an affirmation, you are sending out a message to the Universe about who you are on a spiritual level. Here are a few powerful affirmations to get you started:

  • I am aligned with the Universe
  • I am in the right place at the right time
  • I am beautiful, inside and out
  • I am loving, peaceful and happy
  • I am free to be myself
  • I am a joy to be around
  • I am achieving all of my goals

First Time Affirmations

Find a Peaceful Place Where You Can Think

If you are new to affirmations, find a quiet spot where you can peacefully think without being disturbed. You don’t need to sit in a certain position or place, just try to relax and get comfortable. You might want to play some gentle music and burn a scented candle, but you can easily do without these if you are short on time. You can find many affirmations on the internet, but it is better to come up with your own because they will be more believable to you.

Think about Who You Are and Who You Want to Be

Don’t worry if the affirmations don’t come naturally at first. If you have been thinking negatively about yourself your whole life it can be difficult to try and see yourself in a new light. In time and with consistent practice you will begin to notice and appreciate the good about yourself, and to imagine your highest self. Think about all of your good qualities, personality traits, physical features and the amazing things you have done that make you who you are.

Write down Your Affirmations

Begin by writing down your affirmations so that you can remember them and repeat them later. The more you repeat your affirmations, the faster you will manifest a new reality. The Universe aligns when you are happy and affirmations instantly lift your mood, creating the ideal emotional state for manifesting. It is a good idea to keep an affirmation journal or a digital folder exclusively dedicated to affirmations. The bonus of creating a digital version is that you can have it with you all day.

Repeat Your Affirmations Daily

The best time to do your affirmations is immediately after you wake up. Keep an affirmation journal next to your bed, and when you wake up begin to write your affirmations. Spend about ten minutes writing as many affirmations as you can think of for the most powerful effect. Even if you don’t feel like writing them, it is a good idea to do it anyway because of the magical effect it will have on the rest of your day.

Extra Tips for Affirmations

There are a number of techniques you can use to enhance your affirmations. Whether you want a bit more variety to your routine or you find that a different technique is more suited to you than writing, the following options can take your affirmations to the next level.

Verbal Affirmations

You can say or read your affirmations out loud in front of the mirror, or if you have a good memory you can repeat them to yourself whenever you get the chance.

Audio Affirmations

By listening to a recording of your affirmations, you are able to repeat affirmations when you are on the go. Whether you are exercising or commuting to work, this is a great way to slot in some extra time for affirmations. There are some beautiful affirmations available online if you can find a theme that resonates with you, and a lot of them come with relaxing music as well.

Write Yourself a Love Letter

One of the most enjoyable ways to do affirmations is to write yourself a love letter, detailing all the things you love about yourself. You can carry it around with you and read it if your frequency starts to drop for an uplifting experience. Alternatively, you could write a new one each morning, it’s entirely up to you! highly recommends Manifestation Miracle to guide you in your manifestation journey. Click on the link below to find out more.

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