Abundance is the attitude of having everything you need and feeling secure in the knowledge that limitless opportunities are available to you. The Universe is infinitely abundant, and you need only to tap into the pool of its boundless resources to attract what you desire. Every time you visualize or affirm your new reality with faith, you are tapping into the supply of the Universe. Expressing gratitude is the best way to align with the frequency of abundance, as is an act of generosity. When we are generous we are acting in line with the idea that we have more than enough to share, and this is what the frequency of abundance is all about.

How to Manifest Abundance

Practice Gratitude in Advance

When you express appreciation to the Universe, it emits the perfect frequency to attract abundance into your life. Every time you are grateful, your vibration is raised which signals the Universe to send you more. This is why it is so important to thank the Universe in advance for your manifestations. You know once you have asked for your desire that it has been sent to you, so there is no need to wait until it appears before you say thank you. Think of a request to the Universe in the same light that you would if you asked a relative from another city to send you a parcel. Regardless of whether you paid them to send it, your relative personally went to the effort of posting it, so you would thank them before your parcel has arrived.

Think of Abundance as Unlimited Resources

Abundance is an energy and its vibration matches that of unlimited resources. Money is not the same as resources and it is easier to manifest resources than money. For example, if I want to attract living in a mansion there is more than one way this could manifest. Your first thought might be that you would need to be a billionaire, but what if you were employed by the billionaire to look after their house while they are on holiday?

The second situation is more within my realm of faith, so I would focus on attracting that situation. It is still a more abundant situation than remaining in my present home and earning my present salary. We learn to manifest step by step, so focus on the possibilities that are within your realm of belief. The Universe and its resources are infinite and by tapping into it you can have whatever you want without necessarily needing money.

At the end of the day, we only want money so that we can have things and experiences. Try not to think about money as the only way to have those things and experiences. The Law of Attraction works in mysterious ways and there are opportunities beyond your wildest imaginings if you can trust the Universe completely.

For example if you love fashion, you might want to dress in a new outfit every single day. This idea might seem impossible without money, but with persistent visualization you could end up manifesting a job as the manager of a vintage clothing store. All the clothes could be designer brands handpicked by your boss. Because the boss wants his manager to be a walking advertisement for his store, he allows you to borrow the clothes whenever you wish as long as you return it undamaged. Thus you have manifested your desire to wear a new outfit every day without spending any money.

The Key to Abundance is to Feel Abundant

When I began practicing the Law of Attraction, I did not have much in terms of material possessions or money. However, I had a strong mind and consistently practiced manifestation. As a result, throughout the last ten years I have attracted all kinds of opportunities and material possessions (a lot of the time without money). If you are struggling financially right now, it can be difficult to overcome the stress of expenses and to see the world as a pool of resources. However, it is possible and there are a few changes you can make to your lifestyle that will help to give you a sense of abundance, whilst saving money at the same time.

I believe one of the most important aspects of abundance when you are manifesting from a place of lack, is to always know you have food available. Instead of going hungry half the day and then blowing money on takeout, it is better to put the money towards food you can cook at home. Fruits, vegetables and whole foods like rye bread are extremely affordable at the right stores, and you will feel so abundant carrying home huge bags of groceries!

You don’t have to cook for every meal either, because you can just cook a massive pot of stew and then freeze it into portions. This way you will have an abundance of time as well as ten or fifteen pre-cooked meals in your freezer. The earth is abundant in the way it is constantly creating food, and using plants in your cooking takes on the energy of abundance in alignment with the Universe. The Universe is manifesting the plants out of thin air, so it makes sense that if you eat them more often it will heighten your powers of manifestation.

Manifesting More For Less

They key to manifesting abundance when you don’t have money, is to focus on acquiring more quality and quantity for less money. In the examples above, we spoke about using your money to buy an abundance of whole foods instead of one or two expensive fast food meals. The same principle of buying more things for less money applies to all purchases. Use the resources you have, such as your intellect and determination, to hunt down bargains at every opportunity. Explore your area and find out what the Universe has available to you. At one point in my life I would go to at least six different convenience stores every weekend, because I knew exactly where I could get what for the best price.

Second hand stores are one of the best places to manifest your desires and pay a tenth of what you would expect to in a mainstream store. You can manifest anything you can dream of in a second hand store. From clothing to appliances, home-ware and even products, you can manifest everything you want or need. This is the best way to build up your abundant vibration if you are starting from a place of lack. You will be amazed at how this works, and with practice you will find yourself in a position where you are comfortable enough to manifest anything you desire.

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