Manifesting friends is not only possible, but easily achievable with the Law of Attraction. Like attracts like, and our inner reality attracts an outer reality that matches with our frequency. The key to manifesting relationships of any kind, is to let go of emotional attachment and raise your vibration of self-love. By letting go of any sense of incompleteness that comes from emotional attachment, we can instead cultivate a vibration that radiates love and positivity, thereby aligning with the Universal Life Force.

We are all connected at an energetic level and your soul tribe is out there, just waiting to be found. There are many tips and tricks that can be used to enhance manifesting a friendship group, or set of friends, but the basic principles of the Law of Attraction remain the same. First, you must set your intention and ask for your desire. Second, you must have faith that your desire will be drawn to you, and lastly you must be open to receiving your desire.

How to Manifest Friends

Raise Your Vibration of Self Love

Sometimes we might not even be aware that our subconscious thoughts and feelings are preventing a manifestation from materializing. These thoughts could take the form of doubting your worth or the power of the Universe. These negative frequencies must be rooted out and replaced with the energies of faith, love, positivity and gratitude. The Universe is aligned with higher frequencies such as these, so it is important to work on your self-love in order to attract relationships.

You need to reach a place within yourself where you feel you deserve to have many friends, and feel comfortable opening up to friendships. In order to attract friendships that are filled with genuine love, deep connection, respect and laughter, you will first need to emit those frequencies yourself. They say to make a good friend, you must first be a good friend – and the starting point to sharing love is to find it within yourself. Treat yourself with kindness and respect to attract more of the same into your life.

Sometimes this means setting down healthy boundaries and saying no to preserve your energy. When you take care of your frequency, you will always have enough to share. Stay true to yourself and wait for your new friends to prove that they have been sent by the Universe. You are manifesting your soul tribe, not just a random companion, so hold out until you receive exactly what you have asked for. Learn to take care of your emotions and raise your own spirit.

Positive people are magnetic, and when you resonate on the frequency of the Divine people will be drawn to you. They will sense your connection to the Universe and they will want to be around your energy because they can feel the power of your love and authenticity. This often attracts emotional vampires, who want to take all of your energy for themselves, so as you raise your frequency be careful of the company you keep. Remember that your manifestation will come to you, and you don’t have to waste your time with mediocre people or energy sucking vampires.

Aim for quality, not quantity and you will find fulfillment. It is better to have a deep connection with one person, than a shallow connection with ten people. Now that you have set your intention, let’s get down to the best Law of Attraction method for manifesting meaningful friendships.

Act As If You Already Have Many Friends

This technique may sound like a lie, but it actually works by aligning you with the same frequency as your desire. Acting as if you already have what you want is one of the best ways to manifest, so let’s explore in detail how to act like you have many friends. If you have never really had a lot of friends, that’s okay, you are about to learn how to attract more friends than you have time for. Before we get into the details, I want you to write down the following affirmation:

“I deserve to have many genuine friendships and anyone would be lucky to spend time with me.”

Keep this affirmation somewhere that you will see it all the time, like on the wall opposite your bed, or in your wallet. You could even set reminders on your phone to repeat this affirmation to you several times a day. Whenever you see the sentence, repeat it to yourself as many times as possible. This will align you with the frequency of friendship and you will begin to attract many people into your life. Some of them will become your close friends, but all of them will want to be your friend. You are the one who will choose whether they are worthy of your friendship or not.

Whenever you meet a new person, begin by treating them as though they are a close friend. Smile, speak with kindness and make silly jokes. If the person responds well, and you have a good feeling about them, casually invite them to hang out with you or ask for their phone number. Act as if this is something you do all the time. Once you have added your new contact to your phonebook, tell them you will send them a message. Now a person who has many friends has little time, so be sure to wait a while before you text them. While you are waiting, imagine that you are out with all your other friends, having a good time.

After a day or two has passed, you can send a message to your new friend. The fact that they have given you their contact details means that you are already friends. In your message, apologize for the delay and tell them that you were busy hanging out with your other friends. You need to think, speak and act as if you have many friends in order to attract them to you. Talk about your friends as much as possible to manifest new friends. When people hear that you have friends they will see you in a different light and your frequency will be raised as a result. It is not a lie, because it will come true, it just isn’t true yet.

When your desires manifest, be sure to express your gratitude to the Universe and also to your new friends. Let them know how much you appreciate having them in your life, and you will automatically attract more new friends as a result. highly recommends Manifestation Miracle to guide you in your manifestation journey. Click on the link below to find out more.