Just like everything else in this physical reality, money is a form of energy and can be manifested as needed. However money is a bit different to material objects in that it provides the power of choice. With a large amount of money, you would be able to obtain an infinite number of experiences or possessions that you would like to include in the life you are creating.

However while you can indeed use the Law of Attraction to manifest money, do not limit your possibilities by thinking that you can only attract your desires if you have money. The Universe works in mysterious ways including unexpected gifts, miraculous bargains and even beautiful abandoned objects that are of use to you. The most important aspect of manifestation is to not worry about how you will receive your desire, but to focus instead on the knowledge that it is coming to you and it will be yours.

How to Manifest Money

Visualize Your Dream Lifestyle

The first step in every manifestation is to visualize in detail exactly what you would like to manifest. In the case of attracting financial wealth, you need to imagine what your life would be like if you had all the money you could ever dream of.

Consider the following questions and picture the type of lifestyle you would like to lead on a daily basis:

  • What type of clothes do you want to wear?
  • What type of food do you want to eat?
  • Where would you choose to live?
  • How would you use your time?
  • What would you spend your money on?

Take a Moment to Write Down WHY You Want to Attract Money into Your Life

You might want money so that you can work less, or commute to work in a car instead of a train or bus. Using these examples, I want you to think about how you could reach the same goals without the money. You could look into alternative ways to supplement your income, or attract a new job – one that pays just as well but with fewer hours. You could figure out a way to join a car pool while you are waiting for your actual car to manifest. In making small changes, you will be able to get on the same frequency as your desire.

If you want to update your wardrobe, you could go to second hand stores where you can purchase ten times the amount of clothes that you would find in a mainstream shopping centre for the same price. If you go to the wealthy areas, these clothes are often brand new and sometimes even designer labels. There are even options online that offer nearly new appliances, sports gear and anything you can think of. Tap into those resources to create an abundant and comfortable life.

Embrace the mindset that anything is possible, and do not limit yourself by thinking that you can only afford what you want if you have an ample cash flow. Focus on attracting abundance into your life, and only turn your thoughts towards money if there is no other alternative. In making your money go further, you can create an attitude of abundance which will eventually attract more wealth.

Get on the Financial Frequency

Desperation clouds the mind and interferes negatively with the Law of Attraction. When applying the principle of “Acting As If”, you need to remember that the important thing is to feel like you are not worried about money. Even if times are tough, try not to focus on the feelings of lack.

This can be really challenging for the imagination, and I do not recommend blowing your rent money on a fancy new wardrobe to try and get on the right frequency. If you do that you could be left with zero cash, which will lead you into a flat panic and as a result you will not be able to get on the same frequency as financial wealth.

However, one should not complain about a lack of money. Speaking is one step more powerful than thinking, so choose your words wisely and maintain an attitude that resonates with you having enough money. When you do have money, or when thinking about what you already have, be grateful for it and stretch it as far as you can.

Be Generous with your Money and Follow Your Bliss

Generosity is the opposite of having a poverty conscious mindset, so be sure to share what you can at every opportunity. If you are currently strapped for cash, and the thought of sharing what little you have stresses you out, you should refrain from doing so purely in an attempt to raise your frequency. To truly attract financial wealth, you have to feel like money is not a worry, so only practice your generosity when appropriate or when the mood strikes.

The Law of Attraction reflects what we put into the Universe back into our own lives, so every act of generosity is an investment into your financial future. The trick is to pick the occasions carefully and listen to the gentle voice of the Universe when you hear it. For example, instead of going on two coffee dates a week, go to one but tip the waitron fifty percent. You will feel like a celebrity and make their day. The next time you go to that coffee shop, you will be treated like a millionaire and align with the frequency of financial wealth.

In addition to tipping like you have money to spare, you need to hold yourself in the same character too. Consider the fact that wealthy people, like celebrities, are always following their passions. Instead of following the money, you need to aim for your bliss. Perhaps you are an artist or a writer, and you desire both money and passion in your life. Traditionally, these lines of work are not thought to be extremely lucrative, yet there are success stories in every profession. Be sure to make time for your passions and they will eventually, depending on your thoughts and feelings, bring you the money you deserve.

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