The Law of Attraction will manifest all of your requests as long as you have faith and are ready to receive your desire. In order to manifest the perfect life partner, you need only to “Ask, Believe and Receive.” However the Universe will reflect to you your exact request, and by the time your desire manifests it is impossible to add in any forgotten details. The only thing to do is to start again, this time visualizing in detail all that you wish to manifest. For this reason it is important to establish exactly what you are looking for in a life partner, before moving onto the manifesting techniques.

Figure out their Character before their Looks

It is easy to visualize your life partner based purely on physical features. However, it is imperative to look beyond superficial qualities and spend some time reflecting on the type of character traits and beliefs that will best compliment you and your lifestyle. Would you like to attract an introvert or an extrovert? Will your soul mate be funny or serious?

How to Manifest the Perfect Life Partner

Think about the character traits you admire in individuals you know or have known and write a detailed list of up to 100 items. You could even refer to characters in films, novels or any other source of inspiration you come across. Be sure to include the beliefs and values you would like to attract. For example, it is best to imagine your partner as a believer of The Law of Attraction so that you can manifest together in the future.

Visualize Spending Time Together

Think about the type of relationship you want to manifest and give thought to the activities you would like to do with your partner. To help with the visualization, you can save pictures to a visualization folder on your laptop or phone. Try to find pictures that capture the essence or spirit of the time you will spend with your life partner.

What will an evening at home look like?

Will you spend your evenings curled up on the couch together watching Netflix, or would you prefer to be reading together in bed? Perhaps you enjoy an active nightlife, and would like a partner who is fond of social events. If you have an evening routine, how would your partner fit into it?

How will the chores be divided?

We live in an age where the idea of a woman doing all of the housework as well as holding down a full-time job, is archaic. It doesn’t really matter which tasks you would like to take on, as long as you aim for an equal workload that makes for a happy home.

What will a good time look like?

Couples with shared interests and hobbies are known to be happier than those with little in common. Your soul mate will be your lifelong partner so it makes sense that they will enjoy the same activities as you. Whether this is paragliding, walking on the beach, camping by the firelight, or creating music together, be sure to visualize it.

Where will you live?

Are you hoping to live in a mansion or a cabin in the woods? It is important to envision exactly where the two of you will settle, even if that means backpacking around India as digital nomads. The last thing you need is to manifest the perfect life partner, just to find that you are incompatible in terms of living environments.

Work on Yourself

They say you have to love yourself before you can love another and this is true for a number of reasons. First of all having the energetic resources to care for another person is only possible if you care for yourself. Knowing how to raise your vibration and maintain it at a high level will benefit all of your relationships. Do your best to pay attention and to meet the needs of your body, mind and soul.

The tricky thing about the Law of Attraction is that it sometimes manifests subconscious patterns that we are not aware of. The type of person to consistently attract toxic relationships is emitting a toxic frequency themselves. This is why it is so important to work on healing yourself, because each and every unnoticed thought and emotion has the potential to affect your manifestations.

A big part of self love involves putting down boundaries to protect your energy. You need to be sure you are ready to draw the line if the time comes. For example if a person is draining your energy, you need to be able to withdraw from the situation and recharge. Laying down boundaries is important because we cannot manifest change in other people, only in the dynamics of a situation.

You need to be ready to receive the perfect life partner, so it makes sense to work on yourself while you wait for them to manifest. Figure out what you would like to be able to offer your partner, whether that is an even temperament or an exotic massage, you can manifest new skills that will make you more attractive. In doing so, you will be sending a powerful message to the Universe that your frequency is evolving to match that of your perfect partner.

Send Out the Right Signals

Every person that you meet is potentially the friend or family member of your ideal life partner, so be sure to act accordingly. Treat everyone with kindness and respect, and focus on living in the present moment. Remember the Law of Attraction responds better to positive energy, so send out good vibrations wherever you go. You never know who you will run into at the supermarket or along your running route. Remain faithfully optimistic that your partner will manifest, and soon enough you will find yourself drawn to them as if by magic. highly recommends Manifestation Miracle to guide you in your manifestation journey. Click on the link below to find out more.