
Forgiveness Affirmations

Forgiveness Affirmations

Can a simple phrase like “I forgive you” really change the trajectory of our lives? When we forgive someone, it not only sets them free, but ourselves as well. Here are 8 forgiveness affirmations to help you start the process:

  • I am forgiving myself for my past mistakes.

  • I am forgiving others for their past mistakes.

  • I am releasing all anger and resentment towards others.

  • I am willing to let go of grudges and resentments from the past.

  • I forgive myself for anything that may be holding me back from being happy and content in the present moment.

  • I release all limiting beliefs about myself that keep me from fully embracing my divine nature.

  • I forgive anyone who has ever hurt or disappointed me, including myself at times in the past.

  • I forgive myself for self-limiting beliefs that have kept me from being happy and at peace. highly recommends Manifestation Miracle to guide you in your manifestation journey. Click on the link below to find out more.

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