Family relationships can be complicated at the best of times. However with the Law of Attraction it is possible to create a better relationship with your family. I remember how ten years ago, I had a picture of my family on the wall and I would visualize manifesting a loving and understanding relationship with them. Even though I knew about the Law of Attraction at the time, I wasn’t sure if it could be used to shift unhealthy relationship dynamics. Today my vision has become my reality, and I am going to tell you exactly what I did that created such a powerful change.

Firstly it is important to note that when other people are involved in a manifestation, they bring their own set of energies and this can cause a delay in the manifestation process. While it is not possible to change other people using the Law of Attraction, it is possible to break repeated patterns within a relationship. By aligning with the frequency of love and releasing emotional attachment to the outcome, it is likely that you can completely change your relationship with your family.

Your desire is already clear and strong, but have you thought through your intention in detail? Take some time to imagine what the ideal relationship with your family would be like. Even if your desire doesn’t fully manifest due to the energies of your family members, you can still hope for a dramatic improvement. The Law of Attraction often works in levels, meaning that once you see a small positive change, even bigger positive change is on the way.

How to Manifest a Good Relationship with Your Family

Release Emotional Attachment

Emotional attachment describes the feeling of being incomplete without your desire, and resonates on a frequency of lack. Perhaps the most difficult part of the Law of Attraction is learning to align with frequencies of happiness, satisfaction and love when you are surrounded by difficult circumstances. Like attracts like, and it is the Law that you can only manifest that which you are on an equal frequency to. So in order to attract a positive relationship with your family, you need to be on a frequency of love.

Often, emotional attachment stems from the seed of self-doubt. The energy of feeling that happiness is only attainable from an outside source prevents manifestation. For this reason it is important to spend time in reflection, so as to shift subconscious beliefs and thought patterns. Feeling unworthy of love will cause all love to be repelled from you, even if you crave it. Fortunately there are many effective techniques that can be used to shift your frequency and align you with your desires.

Align Yourself with the Frequency of Love

Subliminal hypnosis is a great technique that helps to reprogram the subconscious mind. By downloading a recording based on self-love, and listening to it every night for a month, you can completely replace any negative thought patterns. Treat yourself with kindness and respect as you would a good friend. Listen to your inner thoughts and emotions, responding with comfort and encouragement. Once you are radiating self-love, the dynamics in all of your relationships will shift for the positive. The power is within you, and when you know how to love yourself, you will know how to respond to other people with love.

In addition to reprogramming your subconscious to vibrate on a frequency of self-love, watch films and read books about happy families too. This will plant your intention firmly in your subconscious and teach you the best ways to respond to difficult situations. Spend time imagining or visualizing the ways in which you want your family to interact. Perhaps you crave sharing happy moments with your family, or a sense of acceptance and belonging. Whatever it is, visualize the change and keep your frequency high at all times. You might end up manifesting new relationships with other families that match your vibration, but whatever happens your energy will not go to waste.

Use the Power of Gratitude

Gratitude is one of the most powerful Law of Attraction techniques that can be used to enhance relationships. By counting your blessings, you will attract more blessings into your life. It is a good idea to keep a gratitude journal, and use it to note down ten things (or more) that you are grateful for each day. When you are using your gratitude to manifest a better relationship with your family, you should focus your gratitude towards all of the things you appreciate about them.

It could be as basic as expressing appreciation for a roof over your head, or their presence in your life. As you begin to notice the positives in your relationship, you will likely begin to see more and more. Simple acts of love such as being offered a cup of tea, should be rejoiced and give you an opportunity to express your gratitude verbally. By thanking your family members when they act in a way that pleases you, they are likely to repeat the behavior.

An attitude of gratitude is important in all aspects of life, and can turn a silver lining into a silver cloud. Expressing thanks to an individual sends positive loving energy straight into their frequency, and over time this can add up to a mutual appreciation. If you are met with negativity, simply ignore it and remove yourself so that you can focus on raising your frequency of love. The Universe is made of love and so are you, so it is your god-given right to align with that energy and experience the joy of loving and meaningful relationships with your family. highly recommends Manifestation Miracle to guide you in your manifestation journey. Click on the link below to find out more.