
Signs You Are In Alignment with Your Desires

During each manifestation process the Universe will present signs that signal whether you are on the right track or not, and following these signs will lead you to your desires. Signs appear in a way that is unique to each individual, and what appears meaningful to you might not hold the same meaning to someone else. In addition to guiding you towards your desires by appearing when you have an important choice to make, signs also appear when you are close to manifesting a new reality. You can feel when you are aligned with the Universe, because signs will appear that fill you with a sense of wonder and knowing.

In The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho these signs are referred to as omens and appear throughout the story, leading the main character to his destiny. Coelho writes “Omens are a language, made up of the alphabet we develop to speak to the world’s soul, or the universe’s, or God’s, whatever name you want to give it. Like an alphabet, it is individual, and you only learn it by making mistakes.” There are a few ways in which signs and omens appear, and in this article you will learn to recognize when you are receiving a nudge from the Universe.

Synchronicity is the Clearest Sign

Synchronicity, first described by Carl Jung, is a clear sign from the Universe that you are spiritually aligned with your manifestations. A synchronistic experience is an event, or series of events, that appears in the form of an unexplainable “meaningful coincidence”. The Law of Attraction states that there are no coincidences, and that all events are related to your alignment with the Universe. When you experience synchronicity, you will know that you are on the right path, because events and occurrences add up in a supernatural way.

Synchronicities are tiny miracles, mysteriously placed in our consciousness to point the way towards an even bigger one. For example, you could meet the man or woman of your dreams and find out that you share a birthday. The chances are less than one in a million and it seems to be a nod of approval from the Universe, signaling that you are in alignment with your soul path. Synchronicity can serve as a warning as well, occurrences such as noticing an abnormal number of police sirens is a clear indication that you need to think very carefully about your next move.

Some synchronicities are so improbable and so powerful that you become immediately aware that you are being sent a message from the Divine. Gregg Levoy (author of Finding and Living an Authentic Life) describes his incredible experience of synchronicity as follows: One day Levoy was listening to the song Desperado, by the Eagles, on his way home in the car. The lyrics went “Don’t you draw the Queen of Diamonds, she’ll beat you if she’s able; the Queen of Hearts is always your best bet.” Miraculously, as Levoy parked his car and stepped onto the grass, he suddenly saw a playing card on the ground. He bent down to pick it up, and upon turning it over discovered that it was the Queen of Hearts.

When synchronicities appear, the Universe wants you to pay attention to a message that only you will understand. This is why it is important to listen to your inner guidance and not seek the counsel from someone else.

The Language of Dreams

The Universe speaks to us in our waking life, through synchronicity, but also through our dreams when we are asleep. Since ancient times, people have revered the sacred quality of dreams as the doorway into a higher realm. In the dream state we can fully connect with the Universe, because we are free from the “logical” mind. This means that we aren’t limited by any pre-conditioned thoughts or false beliefs and can receive guidance from the Universe in its purest form.

Not all dreams are an omen, but you will know you have had a meaningful dream because of the profound impact it will have on your heart. Dreams that are messages from the Universe are extremely vivid, and you will remember most of your dream upon waking. You will also be left burning with curiosity to find out what the dream meant. Instead of turning to a dream dictionary or seeking answers from a spiritual healer, meditate on the dream for a while.

Meditation is one of the best ways to access the dream state whilst awake, and it allows you to connect with the Universe or your Higher Self. The answers are within you, and honoring your inner guidance is the only way to understand the signs. By meditating and allowing yourself to hear the whispers of your heart, you will be able to interpret your dreams and follow the guidance of the Universe all the way to your highest good.

Tarot Cards

The best way to develop your ability to manifest and trust the signs of the Universe is to use Tarot cards. If you don’t have a set of your own, or know anyone who does, you can make do with an online version such as or download an app. Tarot cards are images and symbols that have been assigned meaning and advice, that resonates with you in the event that they are randomly chosen. To use the cards to communicate with the Universe, one must spread the cards upside-down on a surface. Next, hold your hand over the cards while you think about your question, and focus on feeling the energy drawing you toward a particular card.

You will find that your card relates directly to your question, or situation, and offers relevant guidance. Similarly, if you are in a good space in life, the cards will reflect this. Carl Jung explains that the cards “combine in certain ways, and the different combinations correspond to the playful development of mankind.” They work in a mysterious and surprisingly accurate way, offering wisdom and guidance for any situation. These days there are many modern versions of Tarot cards (known as Oracle cards) that work in the same way. It is easier to comprehend the mystery of the Tarot, if you think of the cards as a reflection of your unconscious mind or deeper reality. Tarot cuts through the illusions of third dimensional reality and offers guidance in alignment with your frequency. highly recommends Manifestation Miracle to guide you in your manifestation journey. Click on the link below to find out more.

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