
How to Manifest While You Sleep

How to Manifest While You Sleep

Of all the techniques that can be used in conjunction with the Law of Attraction, sleep manifestation is the most powerful. When we are sleeping, our conscious minds are at rest, meaning that your entire brain is connected to the subconscious. The subconscious is the doorway to the dream state, where all future desires exist. It is also the part of your mind directly connected to the Universe and your Higher Self, and it is activated when we sleep.

In the dream state doubts and logic do not exist, meaning that you can bypass any of your limiting beliefs for miraculous manifestation. Due to the fact that the Law of Attraction responds to the frequencies we send out, it is important to set your intention when you are in a deeply relaxed state of being. It is possible to reach this state through meditation, however if you are just starting out with meditation it can take time to learn to focus the mind to a point of complete calmness.

For this reason it is easier to use sleep manifestation, which bypasses the need to settle the mind and spend valuable time meditating. The other benefit is that sleep manifestation cuts through any emotional attachments to an outcome, so that only positive frequencies are sent towards your manifestation. Like attracts like, so if the thought of your desire causes a sense of unsettlement, it is best to rather use sleep manifestation.

Preparing For Sleep Manifestation

Every night before you go to sleep, set aside twenty to thirty minutes to spend on your manifestation. This is the ideal time to prepare for entering the dream state, as your last conscious thoughts will influence the frequency of your subconscious while you sleep. It is particularly important to redirect your mind from any negative thoughts or emotions before sleep, as they will only be amplified during the night. This could end up affecting your manifestations negatively, so it is a good idea to develop a relaxing bedtime routine in order to prevent this.

I have a very long bedtime routine, which I have developed to align with the frequencies of relaxation and bliss. It begins directly after dinner, and builds up slowly to the crucial thirty minutes before sleep. Once I have washed the dishes, I spend about an hour reading or watching a film that aligns with my intentions. After I have distracted my mind from any concerns of the day I will either do a guided meditation or self-hypnosis. These steps lead to a state of deep relaxation, from which I am ready to send energy towards my manifestations.

You do not have to follow my routine for successful sleep manifestation, the main idea is to engage in activities that are enjoyable or relaxing to you. You might prefer to take a long hot bath, or perhaps you feel happiest listening to music for half an hour. Whatever it is that centers you, is the activity you should build into your evening routine. The activities that you enjoy align you with the flow of the Universe and send out a powerful frequency of joy which acts as a magnet to all of your desires. For this reason it is important to prioritize self-care, and to nourish your soul with pleasurable experiences.

Thirty Minute Sleep Manifestation

Now that you are fully relaxed, you can move on to the actual manifestation process whereby you focus the mind towards your intentions. Begin by contemplating your desire from every angle, picturing exactly what you would like to receive in crystal clear detail. Spend five minutes visualizing yourself having already attained your desire, and focus on the feelings you will experience when it is yours. Every night you can add more and more detail to your vision until you have perfected it in your mind.

Next, write out your vision to communicate to your subconscious that you are clear and decided on what you wish to receive. To align with the frequency of your desire, it is best to write as if you have received it already. I like to keep a manifestation journal and pen next to my bed, which I have dedicated to this purpose. Imagine yourself receiving your desire in a few weeks time, and then opening your book in wonder to see that you wrote it down before it even happened!

In addition to writing down your vision, spend five minutes writing affirmations or mantras that support your intention. Allow your mind to experience having your desire already, and affirm how you feel once you have received it. This step prepares your subconscious for the night’s manifestations by aligning it with the energy of your desire. These affirmations can also be repeated again the following morning to strengthen your faith and raise your vibration.

Lastly, thank the Universe for blessing you with your desire. Gratitude is a manifestation magnet and as you drift off to sleep, make a habit of counting your blessings from the day. It is important to go to sleep directly after your thirty minute manifestation, in order to keep the subconscious mind focused on what you want to attract. When your subconscious is filled with thoughts of manifestation, it carries the frequency throughout the night and connects you to your desires while you sleep.

The next morning when you wake up, write down any dreams you may have had. You can use your manifestation journal to write down any spiritual guidance you may have received. Often you will wake up with an intuitive nudge directing you towards a certain place or action that is the next step towards your desire. Be sure to listen to the voice within and follow the guidance that is gifted to you, these insights will lead you to a life beyond your wildest dreams. highly recommends Manifestation Miracle to guide you in your manifestation journey. Click on the link below to find out more.

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