
The Ether and the Dream State

“To see a world in a grain of sand, and heaven in a wildflower, hold infinity in the palm of your hand and eternity in an hour.” – William Blake

The Ether goes by many different names, but describes an invisible spiritual Source of all physical reality. Some refer to it as the Universal Mind from which all creation or thought originates. It can be described as a pool of consciousness from which all manifestations are drawn. This analogy of the Source as a pool illustrates how everything is connected, and how each physical manifestation originates from the same energy. Once the manifestation has materialized it appears to take on a specific form, however this is an illusion of separation. Everything and everyone is connected because we are all made up of energy, and all of existence is a manifestation of the Universe.

This can be a complicated concept to grasp, but essentially there are two realities. The invisible inner reality, and the external outer reality that we experience through the senses. This concept is written on the ancient Emerald Tablet, translated to mean “As Above, So Below, As Within, So Without”. The whole concept of the Law of Attraction is based on the principle that outer reality is a direct reflection of inner reality. In actual fact it is more than a reflection, it is an illusion projected by our souls. In the illusion it appears that we are all separate beings, yet the truth is that we are all manifestations of the Source. Like an ocean is made up of individual waves, so we are unified as flowing energies of life.

The truth is that the Universe is an enormous Hologram, meaning that “the whole” is contained in every individual part. A starfish is the perfect example of a hologram, because if one were to cut a limb off the starfish it would grow a new limb. Not only would it grow a new limb but the limb you cut off would grow a new starfish, because the genetic imprint of the entire starfish is contained in every one of its parts. This example explains the concept of the Multiverse, where each of us exists, “split” into millions of versions of ourselves, each one of these selves living in an alternative reality. We are all one, and we are all connected by the Cosmic energy of the Source. This energy exists in the Ether, which can be found within our very souls.

The Ether is the invisible, but very real, spiritual realm where infinite resources and possibilities exist. It is the Source of All That Is, meaning that the entirety of physical reality is conceived in the Ether. The inner reality is the doorway that opens to the Ether and Source of All That is. The inner reality is the realm of dreams, desires, emotions, inspiration, revelation and Consciousness. If we are unaware of the existence of the ether, or inner reality, we cannot access it and tap into its infinite supply for manifestation. Roald Dahl once said that “those who don’t believe in magic will never find it” and this rings particularly true in terms of the Law of Attraction. So how might we perceive this inner reality? The inner reality can be accessed through the dream state.

The Dream State

Have you ever wondered how it is possible for two people to unknowingly have the same idea at the same time? Think about the way in which trends work, where a single idea can become a global phenomenon. Groups of people catch on to the same wave of consciousness and surf the wave together, until it becomes defined as a trend. In all likeliness when these individuals first saw the wave, they probably thought of themselves as trend-setters, not realizing that there were other surfers behind or around them. As the wave crashes and the surfers emerge from its watery walls on their boards, they realize that they are united in their experience.

Phenomenon’s such as trends and synchronicity occur because all ideas originate from the Ether, and we can all tap into the source. Inspiration occurs when you are connected to the dream state, or aligned with the Universe. The dream state is the doorway to the pool of consciousness, source or ether. When people enter the dream state they are open to spiritual inspiration, and can see through the illusions and into the inner reality. Daydreaming is a form of entering the dream state, as it is often accompanied by a high frequency and intense visualization. These positive energies and visions are proof that you have tapped into the Ether.

While daydreaming is an unconscious or unplanned method of entering the dream state, there are techniques you can consciously use to tap into it as well. Whenever you are deeply relaxed, whether you are in the middle of a long run, have had a few sips of wine or engaged in meditation, you will access the dream state. In doing so your third eye will open up and enable you to see with spiritual sight, to visualize your new reality. All manifestations begin from the dream state, where thoughts swim through the pool of Consciousness that is the Ether. In this state we are fully aligned with the Universe because we are essentially lucid dreaming in our own subconscious mind. Just as lucid dreaming is a level up from unconscious dreaming, so accessing the ether through the dream state is like taking control of your waking reality.

When we enter the dream state we are able to manifest faster because there is a shift in awareness and our mind’s eye is opened to the Ether. By entering a peaceful and relaxed state of being through meditation, it creates the right atmosphere for manifestation. This is why it is so powerful to combine meditation with visualization, because the frequencies you will emit in your state of heightened awareness will act as a magnetic laser beam to your desires. highly recommends Manifestation Miracle to guide you in your manifestation journey. Click on the link below to find out more.

Connecting to Your Higher Self

Manifestation Meditation

Manifestation Meditation