
Manifestation Meditation

Manifestation Meditation

“Meditation means dissolving the invisible walls that unawareness has built.” – Sadhguru

Meditation is a means to access the dream state, from which we are directly aligned with the Universe and limitless potential. The Universe responds to positive frequencies such as a relaxed mind and a blissful heart. Meditation enables us to reach this positive spiritual state, through focus and deep breathing. By combining meditation with visualization, mantras or affirmations you are able to set powerful intentions and strengthen the energy that attracts your desires.

Meditation connects us to the subconscious mind, free from the logic of the conscious that causes us to doubt and question spirituality. When we tap into the subconscious, we enter the dream state and it is within this realm that the seeds of manifestation are planted. You do not need vast amounts of time to meditate although the longer and more frequently you focus your intentions, the more powerful your manifestation will be.

There are many forms of meditation available, including guided visualization sessions that can be found online. These are the most useful form of meditation for manifestation, as they promote a relaxed state of being and help to focus the mind on your intentions. While more experienced meditation techniques can be used in combination with manifestation, I would recommend starting out with a guided visualization to help raise your frequency and enhance your focus.

Raising Your Frequency

Begin by finding a quiet space where you can relax and focus your energies undisturbed for a while. Take off your shoes and socks, sitting upright with your spine as straight as possible. Your spine is the energy centre through which the Cosmic energy travels, so it is important to hold your posture. When your spine is straight the Cosmic energy has better access to your chakras, and will fill each one with Divine Light, raising your frequency. Relax your body starting with your head and shoulders, before moving all the way to your toes. Place your palms upwards so as to receive the energy of the Universe you are asking for. Take a deep breath in, and exhale slowly as you gently close your eyes.

Continue to breathe deeply as you direct your focus to your Third Eye. Feel your Third Eye opening and become aware of your spiritual sight. Relax fully as you breathe in the positive energy of the Universe, and exhale any pent up negativity. Keep your focus on your breath and the present moment, clearing any other thought from your mind. When you are relaxed and centered in the moment you will enter the blissful dream state, from which all intentions manifest.

By focusing purely on deep breathing, you can enter this realm and raise your vibration to match that of the Universe. Your body, mind and soul will align in this state, and from this frequency your desires are within your reach. To further heighten your frequency and calm your mind, begin to breathe in an out as quickly as possible. Continue breathing in this way until you have reached a state of total bliss and relaxation. Now return your focus to the Third eye as you begin to breathe deeply and slowly once more. This allows for the high vibrations to settle and prepares you for the next stage.

Visualizing Your Intention

As you breathe deeply, bring your intention to your mind’s eye and begin to visualize your desire as if it is happening right now. Imagine that you have stepped into your future reality where the manifestation is already yours. To enhance your vision, begin to think about the details of your desire. Imagine where you are, who you are with and how you feel, now that your desire has manifested. Bring your hands towards your heart and place them over your heart chakra, focusing on the feelings of joy and satisfaction.

Immerse yourself in the feelings, radiating your love and gratitude out into the Universe as it swells within your heart. Imagine yourself smiling, and what you will be saying to your loved ones when your desire has manifested. Picture the look of awe upon their faces as you describe your good fortune, and feel their shared happiness. Emotions are energy and this will powerfully magnetize your dream closer to materialization. You can continue to breathe deeply and visualize for as long as you wish before gently bringing yourself back to the present moment.

Bringing Yourself Back

Once you are done with your visualization, it is important to end off your meditation slowly, because after entering the dream state it can be a shock to come back to the present moment. Continue to breathe deeply as you place your palms facing downwards onto your lap. This helps to contain the high frequencies you have been radiating and absorb the visualization fully. Allow every cell in your body to synchronize with the new reality, remembering that like attracts like. The Universe can feel your vibration and sense your vision and will respond by manifesting your desires. Take a moment to thank the Universe for your wish as you inhale, and as you release your breathe, bring yourself slowly back to the present moment.

As you are bringing spiritual energy into your physical form, be sure to move your body when you reconnect to the present moment. Tense and relax all of your muscles, starting from your head and moving all the way down to the base of your feet. Massage your eyes and ears as you re-enter third dimensional reality, awakening your senses. When you are ready, open your eyes with the knowledge that your intention will manifest. If possible spend the next hour with yourself, in nature or any other healing space. This gives the manifestation time to take form in physical reality. When the hour is up, forget your intention and continue with your day in a relaxed and positive fashion. This is the best way to manifest desires and center your spirit. highly recommends Manifestation Miracle to guide you in your manifestation journey. Click on the link below to find out more.

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