
How to Make Affirmations Work Faster

How to Make Affirmations Work Faster

The basic principle of the Law of Attraction is that there are three steps to manifestation: Asking, Believing and Receiving. There are many techniques that are used to enhance this process, including affirmations. However, repeating affirmations without mastering and practicing the other techniques will delay the manifestation process considerably.

By using the full combination of the following principles you will succeed in achieving faster, more powerful results. If any one of these elements are missing, it will delay the manifestation and possibly never manifest at all. Take your time contemplating these tips for success, and allow your mind to absorb the principles fully. With consistent repetition and practice, you can learn to master the Law of Attraction and lead the life of your dreams.

Strengthen your Faith

The most important element in The Law of Attraction is that of faith. If you do not believe in manifestation, then the law will reflect your doubts and “prove” to you that it doesn’t work. Luckily it is possible to change your beliefs and adopt a mindset that aligns with the Law of Attraction.

There are a few techniques to reprogram subconscious belief systems, and these are mentioned a little later in the article. It is important to figure out what you do and don’t believe, so that you can change your perception and embrace the limitless potential of the Source.

The more you believe in, the better. So embrace the power of various Gods, Goddesses, superstitions and traditional beliefs to support your manifestations. Believe in the Multiverse and especially believe in Quantum Mechanics which is the scientific evidence behind the Law of Attraction.

Read success stories and take your time to fully understand the Law of Attraction. Once you have strengthened your faith and understanding of manifestation, your affirmations will work faster because you will believe in the power of the Law one hundred percent.

Program your Subconscious Mind

“Almost all problem areas of your life are caused by faulty belief systems. You are the cause of your problems and you are the solution to your problems.” – John Kehoe

There are several techniques for programming the subconscious mind that can eliminate any doubts or negativity affecting your affirmations and manifestations. Mindfulness and cognitive behavioral therapy are useful tools for identifying and shifting false beliefs that could be delaying your manifestations. Take care to filter what enters your subconscious mind by carefully selecting uplifting music, films and social media content that align with your visions and affirmations.

Guided hypnosis and visualizations work by suggesting new ideas to the subconscious, and with repeated practice have the power to raise your vibration. To speed up the Law of Attraction and see results from your affirmations, you can begin by visualizing your affirmations coming to life and repeating the mantras “I am manifesting faster than ever” and “My affirmations have instant results.”

Let Go of Attachment

Part of having faith is learning to let go of control and simply believe that your desire will manifest. Any emotional attachment to the outcome of your request will slow down delivery time and repel your desire. Have you ever experienced wanting something so badly for a really long time, and suddenly the minute you no longer want it, or give up on it happening in a certain way, it manifests?

This is due to the Law of Attachment, which you can read more about in Diana Cooper’s A Little Light on the Spiritual Laws. The Law of Attachment states that if your happiness or sense of self worth is tied to your desire, you will inadvertently push away your manifestation. By attaching intense emotions (such as desperation or obsession) to your desire you cannot align with the frequency of faith and instead vibrate at a frequency of lack.

Feelings of lack arise when we believe that a desire is unattainable, or out of reach entirely. A true master of the Law of Attraction is free and unattached to the outcome of the manifestation or affirmation. Instead of feeling incomplete without the desire, the master feels content whilst dreaming of experiencing the desire anyway. The imagined desire is enough to satisfy the master, because the master knows that the dream state is real, and once imagined the desire is on its way.

Attitude of Gratitude

As you practice your affirmations and manifestations, it is important to pay careful attention to the times you do succeed. Each and every affirmation achieved is an opportunity to celebrate and embrace an attitude of gratitude. As you resonate on the frequency of gratefulness, you send out a powerful message to the Universe that magnetizes more manifestations to you.

It is so easy once we have received a desire to forget that it was a gift from the Universe and hurriedly move on to the next thing. Especially if you are manifesting changes in attitude, personality or habit, it can seem like the Universe does not grant your wishes fast enough. It is human nature to seek self-improvement and often, as soon as we have improved, we forget to bask in the celebration of the accomplishment.

When you experience success in your manifestations, no matter how small, take a moment to thank the Universe and affirm yourself. Say something like: “Thank you Divine Source of All That Is” and then affirm yourself for manifesting successfully by saying “My manifestations are powerful and I can attract anything that I desire.”

By combining all of the above principles, you will be able to speed up the manifestation process. As you learn to use the Law of Attraction keep in mind that it often starts slowly at first, but gets faster and faster with each manifestation. highly recommends Manifestation Miracle to guide you in your manifestation journey. Click on the link below to find out more.

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