
Simple Money Rituals

Money Rituals

Money is not the same thing as abundance, and it is not necessary to have money in order to attract experiences and things. However money reduces the need to master manifestation because the energy of money enables us to instantly manifest desires, without the effort and concentration of visualizing and having faith in the unseen powers of the Universe. Simply put it is easier to believe in the power of money than the power of the Universe, because everyone believes in it.

In reality the Universe is more powerful than money, but due to the subconscious beliefs and social conditioning of our minds it is a long journey to achieve absolute faith in the Divine. For this reason most people dream of manifesting more money, in order to live freely and do away with the process of manifestation for materializing their physical desires. To attract abundance and financial wealth we have to first feel abundant, and also have complete faith that our desire will manifest.

Here are some simple money rituals that will help to strengthen your faith and also your abundance frequency, which will in turn attract money:

Feng Shui Money Frog and Shrine

The magic of the feng shui money frog works in alignment with your faith and energetic connection to the object. The money frog typically has a coin in its mouth, and can be used to attract financial wealth by placing it in a certain position in your home. The money frog should be placed diagonally opposite the main door of the house, which is the primary wealth position according to traditional feng shui. Take this a step further by creating a little shrine in this area, filled with objects or pictures that vibrate on the frequency of wealth. A pile or container of coins is a good start, but make sure to never use the coins. The point of keeping coins lying around is to generate a sense of having so much wealth that you do not see the coins as valuable. Having a shrine of coins also leads to the subconscious belief that you have extra to spare.

The Jim Carrey Check

Now a celebrated actor and comedian, Jim Carrey came from humble beginnings. Before reaching stardom, Jim Carrey famously wrote himself a ten million dollar check “for acting services rendered”. He wrote the check in 1985 and dated the payment for thanksgiving 1995 – carrying it in his wallet for ten whole years. A few months before thanksgiving 1995, Jim Carrey landed the part in Dumb and Dumberer and the paycheck was for ten million dollars. In the Law of Attraction community, Jim Carrey’s visualization of $10 million is somewhat legendary. It is well known that visualization is a major part of creating a new reality, but the real magic lies in the faith given to that visualization at a conscious and sub-conscious level.

The Wallet Game

To attract abundance at a subconscious level you can use the wallet game, which first gained popularity in Abraham Hicks’ book Ask and It Is Given. This powerful manifestation technique is the perfect way to feel abundant and trigger abundance thinking. To play this game, you will need to keep a $100 note in your wallet permanently. If absolutely necessary you could use a smaller note, but the bigger the value of the note the better your manifestation. By carrying it around wherever you go at all times, it will create a subconscious belief in your mind that you always have money available.

That thought alone will manifest abundance into your life. In addition to that, while you are carrying the $100 around, you will find yourself imagining spending the cash again and again. Whenever you see something that you want, you can think to yourself “I can afford that if I choose to.” Then visualize yourself handing over the money to the cashier and purchasing the object of your desire. Next, visualize opening your wallet to find the $100 still there. Whenever you see something you want, practice this visualization and in time you will develop an abundant mindset and attract more money into your life.

Money Mantras

A mantra is a magical sentence used to align with a certain frequency and attract it into your reality. You can speak the mantra out loud, whisper it under your breath or repeat it in your mind. Speaking your desires is more powerful than simply thinking them, and for this reason it is important to remember never to complain about money out loud. Likewise pay attention to thoughts of lack if they arise, so that you can combat them with a money mantra.

It is a good idea to create a sacred ritual using money mantras in order to attract more money into your life. Set aside five minutes twice a day to repeat your money mantras. When you recite the mantras, connect spiritually to the frequency of wealth by focusing on the feelings you associate with money, success and abundance. To make your mantras more powerful and energetic, try writing a few of your own that resonate with you.

For now, here are a few examples to give you an idea of where to start. Feel free to use these exact examples if you feel that you connect to one:

  • The Universe is abundant and gives me everything I need
  • I am connected to the Source of all creation and have access to infinite resources
  • I have more than enough money to share
  • I am a magnet to money and I manifest it with ease
  • I always tip generously because I am wealthy
  • I deserve to live abundantly and to treat myself every day
  • I can afford to purchase anything I desire highly recommends Manifestation Miracle to guide you in your manifestation journey. Click on the link below to find out more.

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