
The Best Law of Attraction Books

Best Law of Attraction Books

These books are all famous bestsellers that have helped millions of people to transform their lives, myself included. While there is a lot of overlap between these books, it is actually a good thing because the more you repeat your thoughts the more they become a part of the way you think. I recommend reading as much about the Law of Attraction as possible, so that the concepts sink into your subconscious mind and in no time you will be manifesting in your sleep!

The Secret – Rhonda Byrne
Rhonda Byrne’s three books on the Law of Attraction are all powerful and easy to understand. The Secret was the first mainstream book on the Law of Attraction, and I would recommend it as the perfect introduction to the law. In the book you will learn all about the Law of Attraction and how it works, as well as finding examples of real life success stories. However, neither The Secret nor its sequels explain the role of past life karma in manifestation, so please keep that in mind if you are exploring the Law of Attraction for the first time. To learn more about how our past life karma affects the manifestation process you can read A Little Light on the Spiritual Laws by Diana Cooper.

The Power – Rhonda Byrne
The Power is the sequel to The Secret, and focuses mostly on the faith aspect of the Law of Attraction. When you believe in the Universe and in yourself, you are able to manifest anything you desire. This book will teach you how to transform your life with the power of thought and positive energy. Positive thoughts attract positive experiences, and The Power includes practical tips on how to keep your frequency high to apply The Law of Attraction successfully in your life.

The Magic – Rhonda Byrne
The Magic is the sequel to The Power and concentrates on the practice of gratitude as a manifestation technique. Gratitude is the magic ingredient for attracting the life of your dreams, and The Magic provides a 28 day guide on how to embrace “attitude of gratitude”. Each day, you are given an exercise in gratitude that will help you to attract abundance to that area of your life. From counting your blessings to using gratitude to combat negativity, The Magic is a life-changing read.

A Little Light on the Spiritual Laws – Diana Cooper
The Law of Attraction is not the only universal law, and this book includes the full 36 laws on life and spirituality. These laws all work in conjunction with the Law of Attraction, and the book is an in depth exploration of metaphysics (the art of manifesting). The laws break the Law of Attraction down into smaller sections which makes this the ideal book to pinpoint areas where you might be struggling, so that you can take your manifestations to the next level. The book also sheds light on the Law of Karma and the Law of Reincarnation, explaining how past lives can have an effect on the manifestation process.

Manifestation Miracle – Heather Matthews
Manifestation Miracle teaches how to use a proven technique called “destiny tuning” to maintain long term success with the Law of Attraction. “Destiny tuning” is the art of reconnecting with your authentic self and holds the key to your success with the Law of Attraction. When you align with your highest self you are able to magnetize your highest destiny and realize your life purpose. The book includes a step by step process of how to reprogram your thoughts and create the life of your dreams. At the end of each chapter there are practical exercises that teach how to apply the Law of Attraction and manifest miracles.

Mind Power of the 21st Century – John Kehoe
Mind Power Into The 21st Century provides scientific evidence that the Law of Attraction is real. In addition to this, Kehoe outlines how to make major changes to any deep-rooted patterns of thinking. By tapping into the power of the subconscious mind, you can heal yourself from negative thought patterns that could be affecting your manifestations. By completely rewiring your subconscious you can improve your self-image, develop a mindset of abundance and build fulfilling relationships. This book also touches on how to tap into your creativity and successfully use visualization techniques.

Wild Love – Gill Edwards
Gill Edwards is the author of Living Magically, and Wild Love is the perfect read if you would like to break free of the ego and embrace living in alignment with your soul. It is only by living happily and in alignment with your heart that you can reach your highest potential. The book explains how to follow your dreams and embrace your unique life path. Wild Love also looks at the Law of Attraction within relationships and details how your relationship with yourself is reflected by the relationships you have with other people. Gill Edwards presents a key with which to open the door to a realm of magical bliss.

The Alchemist – Paulo Coelho
Although it is fiction and does not mention the Law of Attraction specifically, The Alchemist touches on many of the themes of manifestation. In the book, we read about the story of a young boy on a journey to pursue his destiny. Along the way he meets a wise old man, the Alchemist himself, and learns how to listen to the Universe and pay attention to signs that are described as omens. The book is a beautiful and insightful read that reminds us to follow our intuitions and listen to our heart. highly recommends Manifestation Miracle to guide you in your manifestation journey. Click on the link below to find out more.

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