
Third Eye Chakra Affirmations

Third Eye Chakra Affirmations

The Third Eye is often called the “Chakra of Awareness.” It’s located at the center of your forehead just in front of your two eyes. This energy center is associated with intuition, creativity, and psychic ability. To open up your Third Eye and increase your Psychic Abilities, here are some Third Eye Chakra Affirmations to help you start:

  • I am focusing on my Third Eye and allowing myself to be receptive to intuitive information.

  • I am trusting my instinct and intuition as I focus on my Third Eye.

  • I am accepting that I have Psychic abilities and that they will develop over time.

  • My Third Eyesight is opened so that I can see beyond what is seen with the physical eye. I am trusting my intuition and instinct to guide me.

  • I am focused on my Third Eye and watching for intuitive information.

  • I am opening up to the energy of my Third Eye and allowing it to flow through me. I am accepting the truth of my intuition.

  • I am trusting myself to follow my intuition and not be afraid of what I see or hear.

  • I am allowing the energy from my Third Eye to flow through me and into all that is around me. I am reconnecting with my Higher Self. highly recommends Manifestation Miracle to guide you in your manifestation journey. Click on the link below to find out more.

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