I used to be unfocussed, unorganized, untidy, unplanned, forgetful, and generally rather chaotic. Had I believed these traits to be fixed aspects of my personality and not realized that I could change, I would still be the same person today. However after I learnt about the power of thoughts and the Law of Attraction, I overcame every one of those weaknesses and am now no longer recognized as the same personality that I was back then.

Many people believe that we are born with a certain personality that cannot be changed for the rest of your life. While it may be true that certain traits are more predominant than others from a young age, this does not mean that they cannot shift or that other traits cannot be developed. In Adlerian psychology the word “personality” is thought to mean “lifestyle”, insinuating the presence of choice in the way we present ourselves.

How to Manifest Personality Traits

Another way of looking at your personality is from a spiritual viewpoint, whereby the entire “personality” is made up of the ego and the soul. The soul is the infinite and pure manifestation of the Universe and represents your true self. Your soul resonates on the frequency of divine love and harmony. However, when the ego takes over the mind it appears as negative personality traits, but this is the false self and these traits can be overcome.

It is part of our life purpose to overcome the ego and instead embody the soul. The important thing is not to identify with any negative aspects of your “personality”, but rather to see yourself as a constantly evolving being. Refuse to label yourself or to be labeled by others if it is a trait you would rather change. If you label yourself as lazy for example, you will continue to use this label as an excuse not to change and your subconscious will align with the label and manifest lazy behavior.

It is Possible to Change

Your personality or character is made up of thoughts and behaviors, so if you change your thoughts you can change your actions and habits. Instead of believing that your personality will never change, embrace the mindset that anything is possible. It is scientifically proven that we can rewire our minds and develop new habits. This process is known as Neuroplasticity and describes the way in which our thoughts, or neurons, fire.

In the brain there are certain thought patterns that become a habitual way of thinking, for example a negative mindset versus a positive mindset. If one is constantly thinking negative thoughts, over time these thoughts wear a highway into the mind through which new information travels. However Neuroplasticity has found that these thoughts can be redirected and new paths formed, for example a positive perception of life. The personality is simply a habitual way of thinking and can be changed using the Law of Attraction.

Inspiration for Your New Persona

It is often hard to imagine what we want to be if we have not seen it or experienced it in our own lives. Therefore it is sometimes necessary to look beyond the people in our own life and try to expand our consciousness by meeting as many new people as possible and also looking to other channels that can open the mind. One of the best ways to find inspiration for your transformation is to find a role model.

It doesn’t matter whether you know the person or not, you can always turn to characters in books or films for examples of how to respond to certain situations. By continuously watching or reading about your chosen character, you will align yourself with their frequency and find yourself absorbing their personality traits deep into your mind.

Make a list of the traits you would like to include in your new persona. This could be anything from the way you walk and talk, to the way in which you confront a problem. Perhaps you would like to cultivate a more positive attitude, and learn to see the silver lining in the clouds. You can even develop traits such as creativity, logic, patience, humbleness, consideration and confidence.

Now do a short meditation to connect with your Higher Self, the most magnificent version of you, and ask him or her how to become more like your list of traits. Your Higher Self will reveal to you which qualities you need to work on in order to be more aligned with your soul. When you are in tune with your soul, you are automatically in tune with the Universe and you will be more receptive to signs sent to lead you to your manifestations.

Techniques to Manifest Personality Traits


Mindfulness is the starting point of personal transformation, because it involves reflecting on conscious and subconscious thoughts or emotions. By objectively examining the content of your mind, you will find insights into what could change. Meditation and journaling help with analyzing underlying thought patterns such as identification with a certain personality trait.

Guided Hypnosis

After you have identified what personality traits you would like to shift or adopt into your persona, you can go about selecting a guided hypnosis that aligns with your intentions. Listen to the recording every day for a month in order to fully absorb the suggestions into your subconscious and embody a new personality.


Affirmations are similar to guided hypnosis in that they offer a suggestion of a new way of being to the subconscious mind. The difference is that affirmations take less time and therefore can be repeated in the mind whenever you have time to spare. Try repeating them whilst queuing at the grocery store, commuting to work or even while you cook dinner.

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy is the best way to unpack an old paradigm and replace it with a new one. For example, if there is a cluster of subconscious belief in your mind centered around the idea that “I cannot change”, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy actively combats these thoughts with affirmations such as “I can change”. It is a powerful way to change your deepest beliefs and as a result, your entire personality.

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