Weight loss is notoriously known to be one of the most difficult things to manifest. This is due to the emotional nature of weight loss, as well as the social conditioning surrounding commonly held beliefs. Society tells us repetitively that it is hard lose weight, and as a result we are brainwashed to believe that it is near impossible.

However these beliefs, just like any other, can be unraveled and remodeled to align with your visions and desires. Most people believe that weight loss is the result of diet and exercise, but they do not acknowledge the role of thoughts and emotions. It is little wonder that restrictive, punishment-like behavior leads to negative feelings that align with the wrong frequency, resulting in actions such as turning to food as a source of comfort.

Emotional eating and an unhealthy relationship with food, is brought on by the “diet” mentality. At the end of the day, the Law of Attraction is about aligning with the same frequency as your desire. This means that instead of feeling fearful about food, you need to learn to embrace it for the wonderfully healing energy that it is.

How to Manifest Weight Loss

The Abundance Diet

Diet is simply another word for “the food that you eat”. It is constantly changing and evolving over time and should be thought of more as a lifestyle than a restrictive, rule-based regime. While it is possible to lose weight overnight whilst surviving on unlimited processed foods, you will need a powerful mind to manifest this. It is easier to accept the suggested health benefits of food and exercise, than to try and reframe your mind to believe that “I can eat whatever I want and still lose weight while maintaining good health”.

However, if you believe you have the strength of mind to completely abandon your belief systems surrounding food, society and science, then go for it! You could be the first person known to literally lose weight overnight. There are a few beliefs you will absolutely need to change to see results, and by repeating these and including them in your daily affirmations you will lose weight. Remember that the most important factor in aligning with the Universe is to keep your mood high at all times, so be gentle with yourself and do what you need to do to stay happy and healthy.

Instead of trying to take a quantum leap into a universe where sugar is beneficial to your health, consider how you could change your mindset regarding food choices. By shifting the way you think about food and exercise, you can create a happy lifestyle where you can eat whatever you want and lose weight. If you begin to research nutrition, you will discover that foods from the earth are the ones that contain the most nutrients and are therefore the most desirable. Fruit, vegetables, grains and nuts have been associated with a higher vibration than foods that have been affected by factory processing.

Delicious and Nutritious

Let’s take a moment to think about the ideal lifestyle in terms of the foods we choose to eat. Firstly, food plays a significant role in our physical and mental health. You can teach yourself to desire foods that will lift your mood and leave you feeling filled with vitality. In addition to the uplifting benefits of food, we ideally want to eat foods that taste good and are easy to prepare. Do you believe that it is possible to create a menu that is delicious, nutritious and prepared in five minutes flat? I can tell you for a fact that with a little effort, you can transform your lifestyle to lose weight whilst still experiencing the pleasure of food.

Due to the fact that we need to keep our spirits high for manifestation, it is advisable to feed yourself in a way that supports this. Remember to practice self love and take care of your physical needs. Eat enough food to feel full, so that you have energy, and also do not ignore your cravings. Embrace the mindset that your body knows what it needs to eat at any specific time. The key is to focus on the health benefits of natural foods, whilst still treating yourself occasionally with “less healthy” options. Learning to practice moderation is an art that you can cultivate through manifestation and mindfulness.

By eating mindfully and practicing intuitive eating, you can enjoy your food fully and won’t find yourself tempted to eat more when you are already full. This is why it is so important to feel satisfied from the foods you eat. By manifesting a balanced lifestyle, you can eat every type of food you enjoy while still losing weight. Foods from the earth will help you to lose weight and can be eaten unrestricted because they naturally fill you up.

These days there are healthy alternatives for almost every type of delicious food including pizza, burgers, muffins, cookies, chocolate, cake or whatever your heart desires. With a little research you can find recipes to create these indulgent foods brimming with nutrients. Focus on using whole foods in your cooking because they will raise your vibration and help with weight loss. The less stressed you are, the more aligned you will be and the faster you will manifest.

Aligning With the Right Frequency

It can be difficult to “act as if” you are already at your ideal weight when the mirror says otherwise. However, you must find a way to feel and believe that you are at your ideal weight. If this means covering the mirror with a towel for the time-being, then do it. You must only emit the frequency that you want to be on, so you cannot look at yourself with negative energy. If you want to love your body then you have to look at yourself with admiration. Practice affirming your body by taking pictures and videos of yourself from flattering angles, or only looking in the mirror when you are in a positive frame of mind.

Whatever you do, do not engage with people who complain about their weight! Refrain from complaining about your own weight or appearance as well. To speak such negativity into the Universe is a metaphysical recipe for disaster, and does not align with your desire in any way. Keep your vision strong in your mind and consider creating a vision board on your fridge, or framing a picture to keep in the kitchen that aligns with your vision.

Money and time are forms of energy and therefore can be used to align with the frequency of your dream body. Instead of using your money to buy expensive foods, rather save your money towards the clothes you will buy yourself once you have lost weight. Use your time to exercise, learn more about nutrition and to experiment with nutritious and delicious new recipes. Losing weight, just like the Law of Attraction, comes down to energy out and energy in. Be aware of your thoughts and actions, and direct them towards your vision for success.

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