
How to Stop Absorbing People’s Negative Energy

How to Stop Absorbing People's Negative Energy

We all know the feeling of being in a perfect mood one minute, only to have it shattered by a thoughtless comment or critical remark the next. Even if the negativity isn’t aimed directly at you, simply being in the same environment as a pessimist can be infectious. Despite our best intentions, somehow the negative energy seems to rub off which can be detrimental to the law of attraction and manifesting. The best solution is to surround yourself with positive people that vibrate at a higher frequency.

However, in the beginning stages of manifestation that is not always possible. Later, when you have manifested your dream life, it is possible to attract a future filled purely with lighthearted energy. But when you are first starting out with the Law of Attraction, you will need to keep your spirits high while you wait for your dreams to arrive. In the meantime, you may be surrounded by family and co-workers that emit toxic energy, threatening the manifestation process. While you can’t change this instantly, you can choose to react in a way that keeps you in alignment with your desires.

Luckily, there are a few ways to deal with people’s negative energy that will keep you on track towards your dream future. By strengthening your faith and learning not to take the negativity personally, you can remain in a positive mood and strengthen your magnetism towards all that is good in the world. Remember, the Law of Attraction doesn’t care what you believe in, so long as you believe that it works. You can choose to believe in any of the following techniques that work for you, and even use them interchangeably.

The Protective Power of Crystals

Crystals, or semi-precious stones, are beautiful relics of nature that were formed millions of years ago when magma began to cool. It is incredible to look at them and think of how old they are, which can promote a heightened perspective on the mysterious powers of the Universe. Crystals are found in a variety of colors, with each species dedicated to heal a certain imbalance of the body, mind or soul. It is believed that the stones, particularly Obsidian, have the power to absorb negative energy and promote harmony within.

I personally have experienced the miraculous power of Crystals throughout my life. I usually wear a clear quartz pendant on a necklace, which is thought to be the most potent healing stone for any condition. Additionally, clear quartz is believed to aid in manifestation by aligning you with the Universe. If I come across a person who is giving off negative vibrations, I simply hold or touch my crystal and immediately I feel re-centered. You can also place the Crystals along the chakras in your body, to draw out any negative energies and cleanse your aura at the end of each day.

I once went through an incredibly traumatic and heartbreaking situation, and the next morning my clear quartz pendant broke right in half. I went to go and see a healer to find out what deep down inside, I already knew. She told me that crystals absorb all negativity and if there is too much for it to hold, it will break. You don’t need to wear a crystal necklace to experience the healing power of crystals, you can simply carry one with you in your pocket or place one on your desk. Just remember to cleanse the crystals with water or sunlight every now and then, so that they can release the toxic energies that they have absorbed.

Invoke the Violet Flame

The violet flame is a technique that transforms negative energy into positive energy. By visualizing a violet flame surrounding your body, it creates a protective barrier between you and any unwanted energy. The violet flame is known as an “I am” decree and can be used to directly align your frequency with that of the Source, or Universe. The flame was first mentioned by Saint Germaine and is a purifying invisible spiritual energy. When you use the violet flame, you will feel the negative energies dissolving around you and sense a protective wall of light surrounding your body, mind and soul.

We all have an aura made up of the spiritual colors that align with our soul, and violet is the color closest to the Divine. To use the violet flame, begin by saying a little prayer that will purify your aura, and protect you from any negative energies that are attracted to the violet flame. You can also call on the angels to shield you from the negativity and fill you with positive emotions. Take a deep breath, and visualize yourself surrounded by purple fire, impenetrable to outside energy. It’s best to invoke the violet flame each morning, so you can go through your day unaffected by the toxic vibrations of other people.

Mentally Question the Negativity

Your brain and your thoughts are your own private universe and nobody can take that away from you. While you may choose to avoid conflict with negative people in reality, that doesn’t mean you are in agreement with them. Sometimes the path of least resistance involves nodding and verbally agreeing with an annoying person who does not understand you, while remaining aware that they are not an all-knowing being. People are entitled to their opinions and beliefs, but that doesn’t mean that they are right.

However, you need to take precautions against the seed of doubt that are attempting to sew. If you allow it to take root, it could grow out of control and ruin your chances of successful manifestation. To avoid this, try to change the subject or excuse yourself from the conversation if possible. If these techniques aren’t an option then try to focus on visualizations or affirmations, instead of wasting your time listening to negativity. If you find that you have been affected by pessimism, take a moment to rationalize with the thoughts in your mind by writing in your journal or phoning a friend. highly recommends Manifestation Miracle to guide you in your manifestation journey. Click on the link below to find out more.

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