
Easy Visualization Techniques

Easy Visualization Techniques

The first thing to do when beginning to use the Law of Attraction is to get really clear about what you want. You can manifest into your life anything you can imagine, which is why Albert Einstein so famously said “The imagination is more important than knowledge.” By tapping into creative visualization you send out a powerful message to the universe, which acts as a magnet to your dreams and desires.

Images speak directly to the subconscious mind, and it is in this realm that manifestation begins. To change your life you need to transform your way of thinking, especially at a deeper level. Think of your subconscious as an ocean of possibilities, beyond the limits of time and space. Your current reality is only a reflection of your past thoughts, so remember to dream big and ignore the illusion of limitations.

Vision Board

One of the best ways to start out practicing visualization is to create a Vision Board. A vision board is a physical representation of your unique desires and dreams for the future. It usually consists of images cut out of magazines or printed from the computer, and can even include text such as mantras or affirmations. You can be as creative as you like with your vision board, feel free to draw your own images or to stick anything to the board that resonates with your desires. I find that I have too many visions for a board and so I prefer to keep a folder on my computer titled “visualization”.

Within my folder I have many subfolders, one for each sphere of life that I want to manifest. Another way to handle this would be to create several different vision boards for each of the areas in your life, or alternatively you could create one big vision board divided into the different sections. It is best to be as detailed as possible with this exercise, so really take the time to delve into what your ideal life would look and feel like. Be sure to think about how you want your life to be in terms of:

It helps to keep the vision board somewhere that you will see it often, so that the images grow stronger in your subconscious. The state between waking and dreaming is a particularly powerful state for manifesting, so I try to maximize this by placing my vision board opposite my bed. This means that every day, it is the first thing I see when I wake up and the last thing I see before I go to sleep.

Symbols, Sigils and Artwork


The language of symbols is universal and breaks through the verbal language barrier. Since ancient times, people have used symbols to hold meaning. Symbols are especially useful when depicting more abstract concepts such as peace, love or enlightenment that cannot easily be illustrated. We all recognize a heart to mean love, a peace sign to symbolize peace and a lotus to represent enlightenment. We can use these symbols to our advantage by including them in our visualization exercises.


The difference between a symbol and a sigil is that a symbol is a universal representation of a concept, whereas a sigil is a personalized symbol that you design yourself. Sigils are thought to have magical powers but remember, the important thing is to have faith that your desires will manifest no matter what it is that you believe will bring them. Draw a sigil on your hand or on a part of your body hidden beneath your clothing, to carry the energy with you wherever you go. You can even use henna or tattoos to manifest successfully. The more energy you give to your visualization, in terms of time and effort, the faster you will see results.


Whatever you focus on will be attracted to you, so if you are an artist, remember that your focus should always be on the greater good. Chris Dyer is a great contemporary artist who uses his artwork as a powerful manifestation technique. Even colors hold meaning and can be used very successfully around the home, in your choice of clothing and as part of your creative visualization. Try your hand at an artwork using visualization and you will soon see the results for yourself.

Creative Visualization

Creative visualization is a form of mindfulness that takes the art of visualization to the next level. By using your imagination to visualize your desires or dream life, you can fast track the manifestation process. The reason creative visualization is so effective is that it conjures up not only images of your ideal future, but the emotions associated with it as well.

It has been scientifically proven that visualization actually stimulates the exact muscles in your brain that the same occurrence would activate in reality. For this reason, a multitude of Olympic athletes have been known to use the power of creative visualization in preparation for their events. In fact it has been well documented that athletes who regularly visualize themselves winning the competition, are more likely to do so.

Dr Nicole Detling, an Olympic psychologist since 2002, explains the technique further: “You are training those muscles, and if you are training those muscles to fail, that is not really where you want to be. So one of the things I’ll do is if (the athletes) fail in an image, we stop, rewind and we replay again and again and again.”As regular citizens, we can tap into this technique to achieve our own version of success on a daily basis.

For example, you can use visualization at the beginning of each day to imagine your day running smoothly. If you have a big presentation at work, you can mentally picture yourself nailing it to attract the same experience in real life. The more detailed the vision, the more likely it is to succeed. So instead of merely imagining yourself rambling through the presentation without a mistake, stretch your mind to encompass the idea of applause or even a promotion.

You will be amazed at how dramatically you can change every aspect of your life, through techniques such as visualization that work hand in hand with the Law of Attraction. Visualizing is a fun and accurate way to manifest your desires and take a quantum leap into a new reality. Why not begin right now and spend a few minutes imagining your dream life. When you have time, you can begin to create your vision board, or folder, at your leisure. highly recommends Manifestation Miracle to guide you in your manifestation journey. Click on the link below to find out more.

Ho'oponopono Technique

Ho’oponopono Technique