
Law of Attraction Games

Law of Attraction Games

The Law of Attraction responds to the emotional and mental frequencies we send out, so it is important to keep your spirits high throughout each day. One of the best ways to do this is to approach manifestation as if it is a game, and your desire is the prize. This way, you will enjoy the process more and it will naturally heighten your focus. We have the power to choose our thoughts; which enables us to shift our view of the world, shape our character and manifest an entirely new reality.

The trick with manifesting is to cultivate the feeling of “It would be so nice to have/experience that, I can imagine the joy it would bring”, without falling into the mentality of “My life is incomplete without it.” This is the difference between attachment and non-attachment and the reason that so many people fail at manifesting their desires (especially weight loss, love and money). Like attracts like, so if you are aligned with a frequency of longing, then you cannot attract your desire because your vibration does not signal the faith that you will have it.

When starting out with the Law of Attraction, it is best to begin by practicing manifesting small objects that you have no emotional attachment to. The more you practice the more you will start to notice your results, which strengthens your faith which is the key to manifesting bigger desires. It is fun and rewarding to succeed in manifesting something, which is why Law of Attraction games are the best way to combat any doubts or negative feelings. The excitement of manifesting will engrain itself in your memory and in time you will train your mind to automatically attract your desires.

Easy Visualization Game

The best way to practice manifesting is to start with this easy visualization game. Once you have seen for yourself that the Law of Attraction works, you can level up and begin to manifest more meaningful desires. In the meantime start small and practice often to develop your skills and strengthen your faith.

How to Play

In the morning, before you begin your day, write down a list of three material things you would like to manifest. Once you have made the list, spend about 30 seconds visualizing each item. Imagine seeing each of the objects in reality and how excited you will feel when you do. Thank the Universe for showing you that the Law of Attraction works, and then let go of the outcome. It is best not to wander how the outcome will manifest but to focus instead on trusting that it will.

It might not manifest physically, but it could emerge as a topic of conversation or an advertisement on the television. Depending on the strength of your manifestation, you should experience the results anywhere between a day and a week. As you progress with your Law of Attraction skills, you can play around with the detail and timing of your manifestations.

Level 1

Start out by visualizing objects that you don’t have in your home, such as a guitar or a beanie. Feel free to choose any three objects you can imagine to create your list. Once you have succeeded in attracting these items into your consciousness you can move onto the next level of a more detailed manifestation.

Level 2

Practice your manifestation skills by listing more specific objects, such as an electric guitar or a purple beanie. I used to practice visualizing unicorns, and it was incredible how many images were drawn into my consciousness. This is also a good level to begin manifesting small experiences such as finding a coin.

Level 3

At this level, you will have a strong faith in the Universe and be able to manifest quicker and more accurately as a result. Practice your skills as you go about your day to day life with the following ideas:

• Withdraw $100 at an ATM Machine and as you wait for your money, envision it coming out in $20 notes.
• Whether you are driving your car or catching a ride, practice manifesting instantly by visualizing green robots all the way to your destination.
• At the beginning of your week, think of a song you want to hear and see how long it takes to manifest.

Next Level

Once you have succeeded at Level 3, you will know you are ready to level up and manifest bigger things. Always aim to manifest from within your personal realm of possibilities, and always push the boundaries of your limited beliefs to attract more into your life. There are an infinite number of levels, and you can play this game for the rest of your life.

The Language of the Universe Game

When I first began using the Law of Attraction, I needed a lot of reminders to keep on the right track. Back then, my thoughts ran wild and I would forget to practice affirmations and visualization regularly. You can train your mind to remember these two important aspects of manifestation by asking the Universe for a little help.

The universe speaks to us through the language of visual cues, music and also emotions. You can create your own personal language with the Universe through symbolism. For example, you could ask the Universe to show you a luminous green to remind you to do affirmations or a beautiful purple to remind you to visualize.

Every time you see luminous green, spend five minutes repeating affirmations in your mind. When you see the beautiful purple, spend five minutes visualizing your next manifestation. You can choose which colors or symbols to use and the meanings you assign to them. The Universe will guide you with the symbols, and you will be surprised at how they appear in meaningful places at meaningful times.

I used to play this game by assigning meaning to 10c coins. Every time I received a coin, it meant that I was on the right track. I collected all of the coins I had manifested in a glass bottle. That year, on my birthday, I was strolling around the neighborhood with a friend and I was in particularly high spirits.
While we were walking I found a pile of about thirty 10c pieces under a tree! No other coins, only 10c pieces. It was miraculous and a powerful sign from the Universe that I was in alignment with my soul path and emitting the right frequency. I have since moved on to manifesting far greater things, but I now have three 750ml bottles filled with 10c pieces that I keep as a reminder of the power of my faith. highly recommends Manifestation Miracle to guide you in your manifestation journey. Click on the link below to find out more.

The Multiverse

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