
Subliminal Affirmations

Subliminal Affirmations

The Law of Attraction works by manifesting into our lives that which we think about the most. While this gives us the power to focus our conscious attention in the direction of our desires, the same cannot be said for our subconscious or subliminal thoughts. Unless we take the time to figure out our underlying core beliefs, or paradigms, it will be tricky to change them.

However, with persistent self reflection and mindfulness it is indeed possible to shift your beliefs towards ideas that are more beneficial to you. The most powerful way to do this is through the use of subliminal affirmations which, when repeated consistently, can completely shift your mindset and change your life.

The conscious mind is only the tip of the iceberg, with the majority of manifestation taking place in the realm of the subconscious. This makes it all the more important to take care of the thoughts that enter your mind at a subliminal level. Everything that you see or hear has the potential to take root in your subconscious mind, which is why you need to monitor your engagement with visual and audio media.

In addition to filtering the content that enters your mind to protect yourself, you can also use the power of subliminal affirmations to your advantage. In your free time, you have a fair amount of control over your choice of where to look and what to listen to. Choose from the variety of techniques listed below, to tap into this powerful part of your mind and enhance the manifestation process.

Subliminal Audio Affirmations


Music is a classic example of subliminal messaging and one that has changed my life. Before I started practicing the Law of Attraction (over ten years ago) I used to listen to a lot of rock and heavy metal music. However, as I learnt more and more about manifestation, I realized that the music I was listening to did not emit the right vibration. When I listened closely to the lyrics, they were mostly about painful emotional experiences and struggles.

To use the Law of Attraction effectively it requires a positive mind and emotional state, so I searched through my music collection and made a playlist of feel-good songs with carefully selected lyrics. Alternatively, I listened to instrumental music with no lyrics and deleted all of the songs with negative lyrics or tunes. Over a few months my mood shifted from depressed to carefree, and I began to attract circumstances beyond my wildest dreams into my life.

Audio Affirmations

If you want to attract specific changes into your life, you can record your own set of affirmations in a tone that reflects your passion and conviction. By playing these affirmations in every spare moment throughout the day, they will plant a seed in your subconscious mind that will ultimately bear fruit. The key to carving a new neural pathway in your mind lies in consistent repetition. You don’t need to be paying full attention to the recording, simply playing it repeatedly is enough for the message to sink in.

The best time to play these affirmations is just before you fall asleep, while you are sleeping, and when you wake up. When we are sleeping or close to the dream state, the subconscious mind is activated and more receptive to subliminal information. Use this to your advantage by creating personalized affirmations or downloading some pre-recorded ones that are in alignment with your desires.

Visual Subliminal Affirmations


Symbols have been used as visual metaphors since ancient times and have become more sophisticated as humanity has evolved. These days, symbols and logos are even used in advertising as a means to insert a memory, or thought, into the subconscious mind of the consumer. Visual symbolism is also used to convey meaning in art and is a language in and of itself, that transcends speech entirely.

Colors, numbers and images all resonate at a specific frequency, just like our thoughts. Traditionally various cultures have assigned meanings to millions of symbols, and many of them are used today. Universal symbols such as the heart, the peace sign and the yin yang all hold deeper meaning and are globally understood to depict love, peace and unity respectively.

While universal meanings of symbols can be helpful in your manifestation process, perhaps more important than the traditional meanings, is your own interpretation of them. This is because even if we are unaware of the traditional meaning behind a symbol, the symbol can still hold meaning to us on a personal level. For example a person might look at a lotus and associate the flower with beauty, even though it traditionally represents enlightenment.

Symbols can also represent more than one meaning, for example the symbol of fire represents both destruction and creation. To use this symbol effectively, you would need to choose the meaning that fits your situation. Directly opposite my bed, I have an artwork of a woman dancing by starlight next to a fire. To me, the artwork is a symbol of joy, freedom and nature – all of which I constantly wish to attract more of into my life.

Think about what you can use around your home to attract a future that is in alignment with your deepest desires. Likewise, pay attention to the type of text and images that you choose to wear on your clothes. Everything you can see or hear has a subliminal message attached to it, so be careful to filter what enters your consciousness. Even social media can be used for manifestation, as long as you are careful to follow only that which you wish to attract into your life.

There are so many ways to use visuals to enhance the manifestation process and it is truly a wonderful way to tap into the subconscious. If you want to use the power of symbolism as part of your manifestation process, you can create a vision board, use symbols, artworks, numerology, sigils or even colors to align your subconscious with the frequency of your dreams. highly recommends Manifestation Miracle to guide you in your manifestation journey. Click on the link below to find out more.

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