
How to Write a Letter to the Universe

How to Write a Letter to the Universe

Writing a letter to the Universe is a fun and powerful way to begin or strengthen the manifestation process. The main thing you need to remember when you write your letter is to do so when you are feeling centered, peaceful and positive. The Universe responds to thoughts and emotions, so it is important to keep your mood high when you are talking directly to the Source.

Find a Quiet Spot Where You Can Raise Your Vibration

It is best to find a quiet spot where you will not be distracted or interrupted so you can focus all of your positive energy on the exercise. If your home is not an option, you can always head to the local park for some peace and quiet. It is very important to be in a good mood, and to maintain concentration, so you need to be in a space where you are unaffected by any responsibilities or negative energy.

To rise above your thoughts and feelings you need to remain in the present moment, so you might want to do a short meditation before you begin. It can be extra relaxing to play some instrumental music and burn some fragrant incense while you meditate. Close your eyes and breathe in and out deeply, as you focus on resonating peace, love and gratitude. When you are ready, you can move on to the next step.

Begin by Addressing the Universe

Begin by addressing the Universe directly in whatever wording is most meaningful to you. Just as you would address a letter to a friend or loved one with the words “Dear” or “Beloved”, so you can begin with your letter to the Universe. The Universe has been interpreted by many religions over time and called by many names, but the fact remains that the words are simply language given to a force that understands and responds to energy.

For this reason, I like to call the Universe by several names that affirm the mystical powers that make up the essence of the Source. By using words that reflect specific qualities of the Universe it strengthens one’s faith and enhances positivity, which is good for manifestation. Feel free to call the Universe whatever resonates with you, or to use a combination of many names as you begin your letter. Here are a few of my favorite names to inspire you:

  • Divine Being of Light
  • Source of All that Is
  • Almighty I Am
  • Limitless Potential
  • Celestial Goodness
  • Supreme God/Goddess
  • Infinite Creator

Thank the Universe for All that You Currently Have

So often in life, it is not about what happens to us but how we perceive the situation. You need to learn to look for the silver lining, whether that takes the form of a lesson learned or a possible disaster being averted, there is always an opportunity to be grateful about a circumstance. The power of gratitude is central to the art of manifestation and acts as a magnet to your desires.

Counting your blessings is the best way to use the Law of Attraction, and in light of this it is best to begin your letter by thanking the Universe profusely for all that you have currently manifested. In addition to thanking the Divine for what you have, it is especially powerful to mention why you are grateful as well. For example, “I am grateful for my family because they are exceptionally good people.”

In essence, gratitude is a way of telling the Universe that you enjoy what you have been given, and you would like more of it. It can be easy to focus gratitude on only one area of your life that you feel is going well, but to maximize manifestation it is necessary to cultivate gratitude for all the spheres of your life. When you write your letter to the Universe, contemplate the following areas:

  • Your loved ones
  • Your source of income
  • Your place of living
  • Your mental and physical health
  • Your magnificent soul
  • Day to day happenings (such as the weather or a good meal)
  • Everything you love (such as music or the beauty of nature)
  • Material possessions

Figure out What you Want and Thank the Universe in Advance

In addition to thanking the Universe for what you already have, you can thank the Universe in advance for the things you want to attract. Saying thank you to the Universe for things you do not yet have, is a way to act as if you already have them. By practicing gratitude for situations or objects that you want to manifest, you align yourself on the same frequency as your desires.
For example, let’s say you want to attract the ideal partner into your life. All you need to do is thank the Universe for delivering your new lover by saying something like “Thank you that I have finally met the man / woman of my dreams.” By using the present tense and feeling as if your wish has already come true, you are able to send out a frequency that matches your desire.
Just as you contemplated the different spheres of your current life, spend some time imagining how each of these areas could be improved and thank the Universe in advance that you have received your wishes. Try to be as detailed as possible when you are dreaming up your new life, because the Universe is capable of granting your every wish.

The important thing is to believe that you will receive your wish and therefore the specifics matter. The Universe will respond to your faith, so it is necessary to be really clear about the details. Your thoughts become things and so the more time you spend refining your thoughts, the greater the chance of manifesting the ideal situation. You have the power to choose anything because you are the one who decides your thoughts and aligns with the Universe. highly recommends Manifestation Miracle to guide you in your manifestation journey. Click on the link below to find out more.

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