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  • Letting Go of Expectations

    Letting Go of Expectations

    It is difficult to fully grasp the importance of letting go of expectations, when the Law of Attraction states that we should know (or expect) without a doubt that our manifestations will materialize. However it is important to note that there are two kinds of expectations. The vibration of positive expectations that draws your desires […] More

  • Money Rituals

    Simple Money Rituals

    Money is not the same thing as abundance, and it is not necessary to have money in order to attract experiences and things. However money reduces the need to master manifestation because the energy of money enables us to instantly manifest desires, without the effort and concentration of visualizing and having faith in the unseen […] More

  • Manifestation Meditation

    Manifestation Meditation

    “Meditation means dissolving the invisible walls that unawareness has built.” – Sadhguru Meditation is a means to access the dream state, from which we are directly aligned with the Universe and limitless potential. The Universe responds to positive frequencies such as a relaxed mind and a blissful heart. Meditation enables us to reach this positive […] More

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    The Ether and the Dream State

    “To see a world in a grain of sand, and heaven in a wildflower, hold infinity in the palm of your hand and eternity in an hour.” – William Blake The Ether goes by many different names, but describes an invisible spiritual Source of all physical reality. Some refer to it as the Universal Mind […] More

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    Connecting to Your Higher Self

    If we do not understand the difference between the Ego and the Higher Self, then the Ego can take over our thoughts and ruin the manifestation process entirely. The Higher Self is the Soul, or true self, and the Ego is an illusion, or false self. The Ego exists inside us all, and part of […] More

  • Best Law of Attraction Books

    The Best Law of Attraction Books

    These books are all famous bestsellers that have helped millions of people to transform their lives, myself included. While there is a lot of overlap between these books, it is actually a good thing because the more you repeat your thoughts the more they become a part of the way you think. I recommend reading […] More

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    Guided Hypnosis and Manifestation

    “Your mind is like a garden which can be cultivated or neglected, and you are its master gardener. You can cultivate this garden, or you can ignore it and let it develop whatever way it will. But make no mistake: You will reap the harvest of your work or neglect!” – John Kehoe, Mind Power […] More

  • Law of Attraction Games

    Law of Attraction Games

    The Law of Attraction responds to the emotional and mental frequencies we send out, so it is important to keep your spirits high throughout each day. One of the best ways to do this is to approach manifestation as if it is a game, and your desire is the prize. This way, you will enjoy […] More

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    The Multiverse

    The Multiverse is a term used to describe the idea that there are multiple Universes that co-exist. Initially this concept can seem pretty mind-bending, given that the word “Universe” is commonly thought to describe all of existence. However, the term Universe encapsulates a very specific set of limitations in terms of time and space. As […] More

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